When we talk with the children and the mothers living and begging on the streets, we ask them what do you need ?  The children tell us they dream of going to school !  The mothers tell us they want to work but do not have skills or education.  They begged as children, suffered violence and often abuse on the streets.

We provide a little school within our Safe house.  It is here that the children from the streets and rescued from trafficking learn to first read and write, sing songs and play.  Some of the children areyoung and we can enter them into a formal school.  Others are older and we must work with them to get them to a standard of reading and writing so that we can eventually enter them into formal school
Kadek Juli at the age of eight was selling items everyday, in the hot sun , on the busy streets of Canggu,alone. She sold tissues, bracelets and fans.  She had a piece of bread to eat and a small amount of water.  She supported her family .  When we found her she was dehydrated and exhausted.  She told us she wanted to go to school.  We found her mother and baby sister further down the road.  We explained to the mother how we can support her so that Kadek Juli can have her freedom to go to school and have a happy and safe childhood.  
We aid Kadek Juli’s mother and baby sister at the Safe house with all the necessities they need. Kadek Juli is learning to read and write.  Our teacher is preparing for her to start school.  Thanks to a kind sponsor she will go to School ! 
Kadek Juli at the age of eight was selling items everyday, in the hot sun , on the busy streets of Canggu,alone. She sold tissues, bracelets and fans.  She had a piece of bread to eat and a small amount of water.  She supported her family .  When we found her she was dehydrated and exhausted.  She told us she wanted to go to school.  We found her mother and baby sister further down the road.  We explained to the mother how we can support her so that Kadek Juli can have her freedom to go to school and have a happy and safe childhood.  
We aid Kadek Juli’s mother and baby sister at the Safe house with all the necessities they need. Kadek Juli is learning to read and write.  Our teacher is preparing for her to start school.  Thanks to a kind sponsor she will go to School ! 
The mothers also receive literacy lessons, skill training and eventually can join our Social Enterprise and earn a decent living to support their children.  Some mothers make beautiful dolls, jewellery , woven baskets and glasses made from recycled bottles.
If you would like to Empower and aid a mother and her children .  Please go to our donation page.

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